

Film Details




102 minutes


Coming of Age, Drama




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Our childhood memories of family holidays are often built around the photos and home movies that captured them, the immortalised snapshots of life that become infused with nostalgia. In this coming-of-age drama set in a 1990s Turkish resort, 11-year-old Sophie from Scotland and her dad capture their holiday using a camcorder. Sophie’s dad, Calum, doesn’t live with her back home, but they have a close relationship. However, the first stirs of adolescence in Sophie and Calum’s quiet struggle with his mental health create tension on the family holiday. As they try and enjoy the sunshine and atmosphere, the pair’s dynamic evolves into a bond that Sophie will look back on as an adult with a new perspective. Aftersun is a tender exploration of memory, youth, parenthood, and loss, powerfully evocative of the period in which it is set and featuring beautifully natural performances. 


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12 Classification

infrequent strong language, moderate sex references, upsetting scenes

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"Some of them saw a clip from Wakolda (The German Doctor) on TV recently and really wanted to watch it. So I thought I’d take a chance, not expecting them to watch the whole film but the majority were absolutely gripped. "

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