Into Film Clubs
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95 minutes
Coming of Age, Drama
English / Gaelic (English subtitles)
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Cáit is a shy and anxious child growing up in relative poverty in Ireland, her experience of family life consisting of nothing but emotional neglect. To give respite to her overcrowded household, she is sent to stay with relatives on a farm. The young girl blossoms under the care of her mother’s cousin Eibhlín and her husband Seán, and despite his initial resistance, they quickly start treating her as their own child. But as the summer draws to a close, Cáit discovers a heartbreaking secret. This is an emotionally charged yet subtle film dealing with primal concerns like childhood, grief and family with quiet dignity. Based on Claire Keegan's short story ‘Foster’, a popular text in Irish schools, this Irish-language adaptation offers insights into 1980s rural Ireland and the delicate nature of nurturing.
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Enchanting film from famed British social realist director Ken Loach, about a young lad with an unhappy life, who befriends and tames a kestrel hawk.
A moving real-life drama about an elderly woman who is helped by a young journalist to find her son, who she was forced to give up as a teenager.
Tokyo-based drama about a family living in poverty who take in a young homeless girl.
Based on Irish author Frank McCourt's autobiography, this both hilarious and tragic film deals with him growing up in a very poor family in the '30s.
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