Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
100 minutes
Based on a true story, Comedy, Drama
English / Mandarin (English subtitles)
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Billi is a Chinese-American, born and raised in the United States, who has just been rejected for a prestigious arts fellowship. To make matters worse, she is then told her beloved Nai-Nai (Chinese for grandmother) has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and her family are returning to China to say goodbye. However, they do not want Nai-Nai to know she is sick and instead decide to stage an impromptu fake wedding so she can live out her final days in peace. Torn between Chinese traditional values and her western upbringing, Billi must figure out how to approach and understand this unique situation. Charming, funny and based on the director’s real life experiences, this drama teaches valuable lessons about family, cross-cultural values and the difficulty of losing the ones you love.
After a young man’s untimely death, his lover and mother attempt to grieve together despite having no common language between them.
An Asian-American woman travels to Singapore with her boyfriend for a wedding where she meets his rich family for the first time.
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Uplifting tale of Manuela, a mother who decides to relocate to Barcelona after her son's sudden death.
Powerful drama based on a shocking real life story that provoked debate and protest in America.
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