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130 minutes
Based on a true story, Drama, Period and Historical
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In 1950s Chicago, a 14-year-old with a radiant smile is excited about visiting his cousins in Mississippi. Emmett Till, nicknamed Bo, is the apple of his mother’s eye. Mamie is uneasy about her son going to the Deep South, where attitudes towards Black people can turn unthinkably vicious. What she dreads comes horribly true: following an innocent incident, Bo is brutally killed by a group of white men. Closely focusing on Mamie’s emotional point of view, the film exposes the raw, deep sorrow of a mother, but also the ability to turn tragedy into purpose, as she fights to get justice and bring nationwide attention to racial violence. Based on the true story of pivotal historical importance in the US which nevertheless is less known in the UK, this gripping film explores representations of trauma and activism and offers significant context to the study of the Civil Rights movement.
Please note that this film contains some disturbing images and upsetting scenes.
racism, disturbing images, upsetting scenes, moderate threat.
Find out more on the BBFC website
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Documentary in which the late writer James Baldwin looks back at his experiences through American history, most notably the Civil Rights movement.
American drama about racism in the Deep South in the 1940s through the eyes of two returning World War Two veterans.
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Powerful drama focusing on Martin Luther King’s campaign to secure voting rights for black Americans.
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A young girl is drawn to activism after witnessing the police shooting of her childhood friend.
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