Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
134 minutes
Drama, Period and Historical, War
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Set in Mississippi in the 1930s and 40s Mudbound tells the stories of two families struggling to live off their neighboring farms. While the McAllans, newly moved to the area, grapple with the poverty of the land, the Jacksons – an African American family – have toiled here for years all too aware of the history of slavery and inherent racism in the community. Living cordially side by side, the return of the younger Jamie McAllan and Ronsel Jackson from World War Two forces the two families unwittingly together as the two veterans bond over shared experiences abroad. Their regular hang-outs don’t go unnoticed by Jamie’s chilling, racist father, as the film builds to a tense conclusion. Borrowing many storytelling techniques from its source novel, Mudbound is an important polemic about deep-seated racism in America’s history that sadly still rings true today.
Racism theme, strong bloody violence, nudity, very strong language.
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In the US south in the 60s, just after the passing of the Civil Rights Act, a black police officer is arrested for a prominent white citizen's murder.
Two escaped chain gang prisoners are shackled together and must learn to co-operate to survive.
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Powerful drama focusing on Martin Luther King’s campaign to secure voting rights for black Americans.
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Adaptation of Alice Walker's novel about the turbulent life of Celie, a black woman growing up in the American Deep South of the 1900s.
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