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The Hate U Give

The Hate U Give
The Hate U Give

Film Details




133 minutes


Coming of Age, Drama


English (English subtitles)


Based on the critically acclaimed young adult novel written in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. Starr is a young African-American girl with a supportive family, a love for 90s TV and trainers, and with an aware of being a black girl living between two worlds: her poor and predominantly black neighborhood where she lives, and her mostly white secondary school which she attends with her white boyfriend and friends. It all becomes too much to bare when she witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend Khalil at the hands of a white police officer. Faced with the trauma of his death, and pressure from her community, the press and a local gang leader as a result of speaking out, Starr must choose whether her voice will escalate violence or fight against it. This a powerful film that encourages self-expression and introduces young audiences to current topics on racism and oppression, and how they manifest in society in both stark and subtle ways.

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The Hate U Give


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12 Classification

Moderate violence, drug and sex references, infrequent strong language.

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The Hate U Give


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"We are currently screening The Wizard of Oz, profound film that it is, and the last film Wall-E. It's been rewarding observing the KS1 6 year olds run the gamut of emotions from wonder to sadness to joy. "

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