Thank You For The Rain: 11-14 Geography

Thank You For the Rain - Doc Academy
Thank You For the Rain - Doc Academy




Short (1-4 activities)

This lesson plan focuses on Kisilu Musya's story in the film Thank You for the Rain as a way to explore the issue of climate change and the geographical processes that underpin it.

Lesson One - Why is Kisilu Obsessed with Planting Trees?

Examines Kisilu's life in rural Kenya and how changing climatic conditions are affecting his ability to farm and support his family.

Lesson Objective:

  • To discover why Kisilu is obsessed with planting trees.

Clip(s) to Use - Clip 1: Kisilu's Family, Clip 3: Planting Trees

Lesson Two - How does Kisilu Persuade Others to Plant Trees?

Highlights some of the challenges that Kisilu faces when trying to convince members of his community to join his fight against climate change. It touches upon developmental issues whilst encouraging students to develop their oracy skills.

Lesson Objective:

  • To understand why some people may not listen to Kisilu and to think about how he can persuade them to his point of view.

Clip(s) to Use - Clip 4: Climate Change

Lesson Three - Is the World doing Enough to Help Kisilu?

Kisilu delivers a speech at COP21 in Paris. Students are encouraged to consider the viewpoints of diferent countries and how a global agreement was reached. The extent to which the Paris Agreement can protect farmers like Kisilu from the efects of climate change is also discussed.

Lesson Objective:

  • To assess global attempts to fight climate change.

Clip(s) to Use - Clip 6: Kisilu's Speech

Lesson Four - What Message Will You Spread about Climate Change?

Asks students to demonstrate what they've learnt about climate change by encouraging them to share their own message about climate change with others.

Lesson Objective:

  • To develop your own message about climate change and to share it with others.

Clip(s) to Use - Clip 8: Lives Of Insects, Clip 10: Forging Ahead

This resource includes

Doc Academy

This Resource Supports

  • Citizenship
  • English
  • Geography
  • Media Studies
  • Politics
  • PSHE Education

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