Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
91 minutes
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There's ghostly woman trouble for an unfortunate author in this deliciously sharp British comedy, adapted from the hit play by Noel Coward. Following an apparently harmless seance with eccentric medium Madame Arcati, mystery writer Charles Condomine discovers the spirit of his first wife, Elvira, has accidentally been unleashed. This bickering spectre wants her man back and is prepared to kill him to do it. But naturally things don't go according to her plans, when new missus Ruth winds up dead instead - leaving Charles with two squabbling spooks on his hands!
Psychological horror set in Victorian England, as a governess fears for the safety of two orphans in her charge from supernatural goings-on.
Hugely popular supernatural love story in which a man killed in a mugging stays around as a ghost to protect his love, who's in danger.
A finely-crafted, chilling tale with a shocking twist about an eight-year-old haunted by ghostly visions who seeks help from a child psychologist.
Spooky version of the classic Dickens novel A Christmas Carol, in which a tightfisted boss is shown Christmas Eve visions to make him change his ways.
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