Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
124 minutes
Action and Adventure
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As global warming becomes a more urgent issue with every day that passes, The Day After Tomorrow imagines what would happen if effects of man-made climate change shifted into high gear - plunging the world into a new ice age. While this is a work of fiction, much of the science behind the film is rooted in fact - and so as well as being a thrilling adventure movie, The Day After Tomorrow is also a wake-up call for all of us in the fight to safeguard the future of our planet.
Disaster film about an oil driller called on to go into space to plant a nuclear warhead in an asteroid to destroy it before it can destroy Earth.
When legendary director Werner Herzog journeys to Antarctica, the people he meets there are just as fascinating as the wildlife.
Thought-provoking assessment on the causes and symptoms of climate change from former US presidential candidate Al Gore.
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