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120 minutes






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Michael and Francis are sons to Jamaican immigrants in Toronto. Michael is shy and lacks confidence, while Francis, his brother’s protector and doting son to their hard-working single mum, has a majestic, self-assured presence that everyone in their local community seems to be drawn to. Francis wants to rise above expectations, immersing himself in the growing 90s hip hop scene. But just as Michael, too, begins to tentatively come into his own, tensions in their neighbourhood reach a vertiginous peak, resulting in a painful vacuum whose silent echo screams out across the years. A powerful portrait of brotherly love captured at a poignant coming-of-age juncture, this elegant film adaptation of an acclaimed contemporary novel explores topics including masculinity, aspiration, mental health, and grief.


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15 Classification

strong threat, violence, language, racism

Find out more on the BBFC website

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