Into Film Clubs
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180 minutes
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The National Theatre brings Shakespeare’s part-thriller, part-melodrama to a stark and minimalist stage, where the story of a doomed marriage unfolds against a single looming set under hypnotic dramatic lights. Othello, a freed slave turned military commander, has secretly married Desdemona, the daughter of a senator. But Othello’s junior officer Iago conspires to disrupt the couple’s happiness, with fatal consequences. With themes of racism and toxic relationships, this is a raw and thought-provoking rendition of Shakespeare’s classic tragedy.
Please note this production contains racially offensive language and imagery, and depictions of mental and domestic abuse and violence, which some people may find upsetting.
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The true story of the controversial romance between a Botswanan king and a white British woman in the late 1940s.
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Loud and colourful adaptation of Shakespeare's classic play about two star-crossed lovers from bitterly feuding families.
Filmed performance of the National Theatre’s glitzy interpretation of Shakespeare’s romantic comedy set on the sunny Italian riviera.
'Othello' is relocated to an American high-school and competitiveness on the local basketball team.
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