I Wanna Dance With Somebody

I Wanna Dance With Somebody
I Wanna Dance With Somebody

Film Details




144 minutes


Biopics, Musicals, Period and Historical




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Known worldwide as “The Voice”, Whitney Houston was for many the greatest singer of her generation. This affectionate biopic charts her rise to fame and the trials and tribulations that besieged her personal and professional life. Beginning her singing career in gospel choirs and nightclubs, Whitney is soon plucked from this relative obscurity by a record executive and thrust into the spotlight of musical stardom. After a string of hits, Whitney struggles with her inner demons and her newfound fame but is pushed by everyone around her to continue singing and performing. Poignant and heartfelt, this musical biopic contains all Houston’s greatest hits whilst touching upon themes of race in America and the price of becoming a worldwide superstar. 


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12 Classification

drug misuse, domestic abuse, discrimination, sex references, language

Find out more on the BBFC website

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