In My Blood It Runs

In My Blood It Runs
In My Blood It Runs

Film Details




84 minutes




Aboriginal / English


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10-year-old Dujuan is an Aboriginal boy who lives in Alice Springs, Australia with his family, including two siblings, his mother and his grandmother. The documentary follows Dujuan at home, in school and within the local community, where he struggles to reconcile the two cultures he’s caught between. Often he wants to speak English when others don’t and struggles with his grades in class, resulting in Dujuan running away from school on more than one occasion. His auntie reinforces the importance of attending, warning him that if he ends up in juvenile detention then it will lead to either jail or death. ‘In My Blood It Runs’ is a gentle observational documentary which explores systemic abuses of Aboriginal people throughout society via the modern-day case study of one family’s struggles.


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12A Classification

discrimination, distressing images, dangerous behaviour, rude gestures

Find out more on the BBFC website

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