Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
80 minutes
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‘H is for Harry’ is a timely documentary which primarily follows the young students of Reach Academy, in the London borough of Hounslow, as they navigate their tumultuous first two years of high school. The film’s focus and title character, Harry, is a confident and charming boy of 11 who arrives at the school unable to read or write and the film gently parses out the systematic reasons for his academic struggles, including his relationship with his father who is also illiterate. His journey, along with the sustained efforts of the incredibly dedicated teachers at the school, highlight the ever-increasing gulf between the 4.1 million children living in poverty and an education system that is not suited to their needs.
mouthed strong language and moderate drug references
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Director Laurent Cantet's riveting, Palme d'Or winning drama chronicles a year in the life of a rough school in a working class suburb of Paris.
Groundbreaking 1960s drama about an idealistic new teacher arriving in a tough London school. Can he turn the kids around?
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Enchanting film from famed British social realist director Ken Loach, about a young lad with an unhappy life, who befriends and tames a kestrel hawk.
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Inspiring account of a teacher at a US high school that is plagued by gang violence, who resorts to unconventional methods to reach her students.
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