Just Mercy

Just Mercy
Just Mercy

Film Details




137 minutes


Based on a true story, Drama




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Set between the years of 1987 and 1993, ‘Just Mercy’ is the true story of civil rights defense attorney Bryan Stevenson – based on his own memoir – and his quest for justice for condemned death row inmates. Despite having his pick of top jobs after graduating from Harvard, Bryan decides to head to Monroe County, Alabama to defend wrongly-convicted prisoners from the African-American community. Despite his passion and good intentions, however, the families of those prisoners are sceptical of the legal process and claim to have heard it all before from other lawyers. But Stevenson continues to make the case for his clients, with the film focusing on one defendant in particular, a black man named Walter McMillan who is set to be executed after being convicted of killing a white woman despite some dubious evidence. ‘Just Mercy’ is a hard-hitting, provocative drama about the death penalty, the legal system and US civil rights.

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12A Classification

execution scene, racist language, moderate threat, language

Find out more on the BBFC website

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