On the Basis of Sex

On the Basis of Sex
On the Basis of Sex

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120 minutes






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Attending Harvard Law School as a first-year student in 1956, Ruth Bader Ginsburg must overcome more than most. Not only is she forced to justify her chosen career to the Dean, but as one of the few females in the class she encounters discrimination at every turn, from the absence of women’s toilets to being mocked for her contributions. Despite Ruth’s outstanding performance in her studies, no firm will take her because of her sex and so she decides to take up a teaching position. As she foregoes her own dreams to educate and inspire the next generation of lawyers, in 1970 she is presented with a case of apparent gender discrimination which she believes she can win, and with support from her teenage daughter embarks upon arguing for a landmark case in gender equality law. ‘On the Basis of Sex’ is a stirring portrayal of a trailblazing woman who defied expectations to change the course of history for women’s rights, becoming only the second female Justice to serve on the US Supreme Court.

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12 Classification

Infrequent strong language.

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