Sweet Country

Sweet Country
Sweet Country

Film Details




113 minutes


Crime, Drama, Period and Historical, Thriller, Westerns




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Set in 1929 in Australia’s Northern Territory where segregationist policies are in place, Aboriginal cattle-herder Sam is sent with his wife and niece to work for racist, abusive station owner Harry March. When March goes on a booze-fuelled rampage, an altercation occurs and Sam shoots him in what he claims is self-defence. Worried that the locals will take the law into their own hands, Sam and wife Lizzie go on the run across the vast rural landscapes as a posse gathers to hunt them down. ‘Sweet Country’ examines historical race relations, specifically the indigenous people and lands of Australia, through this epic drama full of arresting visuals.

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15 Classification

Strong language, injury detail, violence, racism theme.

Find out more on the BBFC website

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