Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
90 minutes
Action and Adventure, Animation, Comedy
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On Snow Mountain, lead guard dog Khampa heads up the unit that protects the village from prowling wolves. His son Bodi is expected to follow in his footsteps when the time comes, but has never shared his father’s knack or enthusiasm for such responsibilities. When a radio falls from the sky and introduces Bodi to a world of rock music, he vows to become a musician – much to his father’s displeasure. After some convincing, Bodi is allowed to follow his dreams, leaving the village to undertake an adventure in the music industry. But meanwhile the wolves have a plan of their own, to kidnap Bodi and use him to capture Snow Mountain.
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Hugely likeable animation about a tubby giant panda with dreams of kung fu glory, who is chosen to defend a valley from an evil snow leopard.
A young boy named Kubo must find his samurai father’s magical suit of armour in order to overcome the unforgiving spirits of the past.
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An angry young human runaway called Ren is adopted by Kumatetsu, a bear, who brings him to the land of the beasts as his apprentice.
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12-year-old Miguel finds himself transported to the Land of the Dead and must find a way to return to the real world before it’s too late.
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