Women and Children at War

Women and Children at War
Women and Children at War

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150 minutes


Documentary, Short Films, War




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During World War Two, with men away at the front, women were increasingly called on to undertake work which previously hadn’t been accessible to them. Taking on vital roles to keep the country running, as well as new jobs making parts and munitions – women found themselves relied upon in a new way. This collection of Ministry of Information films, many of them made by female film crews, details women’s contributions to the war effort and rallies others to do their bit – whether it was by working in a factory, joining the Women’s Voluntary Service or simply by being a “good neighbor” and helping others affected by the bombing. During the Blitz people were also encouraged to evacuate their children, and the collection includes propaganda films promoting the government’s safety measure by advocating the benefits to children of country life, away from the dangers of the city.


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