The Olive Tree

The Olive Tree
The Olive Tree

Film Details




99 minutes




English / French / German / Spanish (English subtitles)


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Alma is a determined young Spanish farmer who sets out on a journey across Europe to try to reclaim her grandfather’s beloved thousand-year-old olive tree, sold by her father to a German company in order to fund the opening of a new restaurant. The distress this caused her grandfather has already resulted in him stopping speaking, and when he also refuses to eat Alma realizes that something must be done. Unfortunately she has no idea where the tree has ended up. Together with her friend Rafa, they pool their limited resources to try to locate the tree. The journey takes them from their relatively sparse farmland to sleek corporation headquarters, in this warm, topical drama with poignant messages around family, economic hardship and standing up for what’s right.

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15 Classification

Strong language.

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