Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
108 minutes
Coming of Age, Drama
English / Spanish (English subtitles)
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An unconventional road movie about a group of undocumented teen Guatemalan immigrants and their journey to what they hope will be a bright new life in the US. Unfortunately, they are ill-prepared for the precarious journey, and the reality of what awaits them. Using improvisational techniques, director Quemada-Diez - who served his filmmaking apprenticeship under British legend Ken Loach, extracts superb, realistic performances from a young, non-professional cast, allowing their characters room to breathe and develop. A, tough, uncompromising, but moving testament to the power of friendship and camaraderie in the most testing of circumstances.
Contains moderate violence, sexual threat, strong language and natural nudity.
Find out more on the BBFC website
Documentary about immigration, focused on two Burmese families who relocate to Sheffield from a Thai refugee camp.
Powerful drama about a young man and woman from Honduras making the dangerous journey north to try to cross from the Mexican border to the US.
Carlos, a Mexican gardener, is struggling to raise his 14 year-old son in a tough Los Angeles neighbourhood, whilst living in fear of deportation.
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