The Golden Dream

The Golden Dream
The Golden Dream

Film Details




108 minutes


Coming of Age, Drama


English / Spanish (English subtitles)


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An unconventional road movie about a group of undocumented teen Guatemalan immigrants and their journey to what they hope will be a bright new life in the US. Unfortunately, they are ill-prepared for the precarious journey, and the reality of what awaits them. Using improvisational techniques, director Quemada-Diez - who served his filmmaking apprenticeship under British legend Ken Loach, extracts superb, realistic performances from a young, non-professional cast, allowing their characters room to breathe and develop. A, tough, uncompromising, but moving testament to the power of friendship and camaraderie in the most testing of circumstances.

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12 Classification

Contains moderate violence, sexual threat, strong language and natural nudity.

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