Into Film Clubs
Into Film Clubs provide opportunities to watch, review and make films.
104 minutes
Drama, Horror
English (English subtitles)
Chris and his girlfriend Rose are all set to visit her parents as a couple for the first time, even if he has reservations that he, as an African-American, will be judged by her family. Rose admits to her parents’ clumsiness, but refutes any suggestions of racism. Whilst his fears appear to be initially allayed, there is a mysterious edge to the family estate – as well as strange behaviour from its inhabitants – which soon turns sinister. Get Out is all-at-once consistently comedic, a razor-sharp satire about racial identity, and a twisty, suspenseful horror full of menace and intrigue.
You can watch the Inside Cinema profile of Jordan Peele here on Into Film+
Campus-based satire dissecting contemporary racial politics by following four African-American students studying at a privileged university.
Comedy-drama about a white middle-class woman whose supposedly liberal father struggles to deal with her black fiancé.
A God-fearing policeman travels to a remote Scottish island and uncovers a fanatical pagan cult in this British horror classic.
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The most famous, and possibly the most tense, of the films of suspense master Hitchcock, in which a woman is stuck in a remote hotel in a storm.
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