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Alvin and the Chipmunks

Alvin and the Chipmunks
Alvin and the Chipmunks

Film Details




89 minutes


Animation, Comedy


English (English subtitles)


Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are three chipmunk brothers who live in a fir tree when one day their home is cut down and driven to Los Angeles by a record label. At their headquarters, the chipmunks end up jumping into a basket of muffins belonging to a struggling songwriter named David and follow him home. While he is initially alarmed upon discovering them, once he hears them sing David makes a deal with the chipmunks: they can stay under his roof if they sing the songs he writes. While their plan doesn’t go as intended and the chipmunks instead cause chaos in both his personal and professional life, they attempt to make it up to David by singing for the studio executive and end up earning a record deal of their own. ‘Alvin and the Chipmunks’ is based on the animated band and their subsequent media franchise, featuring themes around friendship and music.

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Alvin and the Chipmunks


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U Classification

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Alvin and the Chipmunks


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"Some of them saw a clip from Wakolda (The German Doctor) on TV recently and really wanted to watch it. So I thought I’d take a chance, not expecting them to watch the whole film but the majority were absolutely gripped. "

- Ann Hardy, Teacher, Manchester Secondary PRU, Manchester