Film for Learning

Culture in the Classroom

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About Film for Learning

Learn more about Film for Learning, how it can impact the curriculum in your school, and how you can begin using film in your classrooom.

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Understanding Film

If you’re interested in using film in your classroom, download, read and share our Into Film in Education PDF

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The project had a positive impact on pupils’ literacy, ICT and numeracy skills, as well as increasing teacher confidence and autonomy in using film and peer training.


of teachers agree that the project had a positive impact on pupils’ literacy and ICT skills.


of teachers are now confident in delivering film and filmmaking CPD to their teaching staff.

Case studies

Full STEAM Ahead 9

Changing Our Teaching Practice

A Key Stage 2 teacher details her experience of the Full STEAM Ahead project.

Full STEAM Ahead 8

Removing Traditional Barriers

A Key Stage 2 teacher reveals his experience of the Full STEAM Ahead project.

Full STEAM Ahead 4
Senior Leader

Making the Whole Staff Think Film

A Senior Leader explains the positive impact of Full STEAM Ahead in his school.

Full STEAM Ahead filmmaking 8
Senior Leader

Enhancing the Whole Curriculum

A senior leader reflects on Full STEAM Ahead's impact in her SEN school.

Full STEAM Ahead filmmaking
Young Person

Feeling Like the Expert

A Key Stage 2 pupil on his experience of the Full STEAM Ahead project.

Film literacy resources
Young Person

Inspiring Young Filmmakers Through Film Literacy

A Key Stage 2 pupil explains how the Full STEAM Ahead project has helped her.

Useful information

Full STEAM Ahead Literacy 2


Download free resources, as used by teachers across the Full STEAM Ahead project to develop their film analysis, animation and filmmaking skills. Resources include Raising Literacy Attainment Through Film: Levels One and Two, Filmmaking For Curricular Attainment, The Film Essay and Animation.

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Film for learning

See what happened...

Read about what happened during the project on our News and Views page. You will find articles written by teachers, practitioners, senior leaders and the project coordinator.

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What our Project Coordinator says

"It’s been amazing to see teachers grow in confidence and develop a creative approach to the curriculum using film. I’ve seen teachers begin this project with no prior experience in using film literacy or curricular filmmaking, to having just delivered their own CPD session to their staff in these areas."

- Nichola Clarke, Teacher Development Project Coordinator, Into Film, Belfast