Relationships on Film: Consent

Open from - 15 May 2023 - ONGOING 30 minutes

Relationships on Film: Consent
Relationships on Film: Consent

Number of modules

1 module

Date available until



30 minutes

Age Range




Number of modules

1 module

Date available from

15 May 2023


30 minutes






This course is part of Relationships on Film, a series of short learning experiences to support sex and relationships education.


With a 2021 Ofsted review finding that sexual harassment is ‘commonplace’ amongst young people1, it is more important than ever to teach students about boundaries and mutual consent.


In this course for educators of 11-16-year-olds, you’ll discover how you can use film to improve students’ understanding of consent and help them to navigate romantic and sexual relationships safely and confidently. Created in partnership with sexual health and wellbeing charity, Brook, this course will help you build on your knowledge of key issues surrounding consent and introduce you to engaging activities to explore it with young people.   


As you progress, we’ll equip you with everything you need to enrich discussions and enhance learning in your classroom, including carefully selected films, curriculum-linked resources and practical advice from experts and the rest of the course community.    


By the end of this course, you will be able to use film to:

  • Explain what ‘enthusiastic consent’ is and why it is important to obtain it before engaging in sexual activity
  • Identify and discuss the factors that can impact a person’s ability to communicate consent
  • Analyse verbal and non-verbal signals in intimate situations
  • Guide learners through setting and respecting boundaries in relationships.


Enrol and start learning for free today.


Into Film courses are only available for UK-based teachers.


As part of your school’s policy on sharing RSE content with parents, we welcome any screening of our Relationships on Film teaching content in your school, if it is required. 



 1Ofsted (2021).Review of sexual abuse in schools and colleges. Retrieved from:


This training supports

  • PSHE Education
  • Personal
  • Relationships Education
  • Relationships and Sex Education
  • Social Health Education

See how this training supports the curriculum

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Who will you learn with?

Alexia Larkins - Training Manager

Alexia Weeks

Training Lead

Trainer image

Rachel Greeves

Learning Officer

Profile photo of Chevonne James

Chevonne James

Senior Learning Coordinator