Explore our film-focused enrichment and curriculum-linked resources.
4 modules
2 hours 30 minutes
4 modules
15 May 2023
2 hours 30 minutes
When someone mentions ‘relationships and sex education,’ what springs to mind?
For many teachers, it’s the dreaded lessons about the ‘birds and the bees’, and all the awkwardness, giggling and unintentional humour that often accompanies them.
But in addition to the mechanics of how babies are made, all four nations’ curriculums require teaching on healthy relationships, consent and coercive control. These topics can be just as tricky to teach but encouraging young people to have open and honest conversations about sexual and romantic relationships, and giving students the skills and knowledge to navigate them, is essential.
About the course series
Developed in partnership with sexual health and wellbeing charity Brook, Relationships on Film is a series of short courses designed to support educators of 11-16-year-olds in exploring key topics within sex and relationships education. The courses are packed with engaging films, curriculum-linked resources, expert advice and exclusive video extras to help you deliver lessons with confidence and sensitivity.
While learning with us, you’ll be able to tap into the expertise of the course team and fellow educators for guidance and practical ideas you can implement in your classroom right away.
Watch a quick, sneak preview of one of the exclusively made videos available in this course series, for a bite-sized piece of learning you can apply in your classroom straight away.
By completing all courses in the Relationships on Film series, you will be able to:
Into Film courses are only available for UK-based teachers.
Enrol now to see the entire Relationships on Film course series. You can work your way through all the courses or select the ones which appeal most to you.
As part of your school’s policy on sharing RSE content with parents, we welcome any screening of our Relationships on Film teaching content in your school, if it is required.
Alexia Weeks
Training Lead
Rachel Greeves
Learning Officer
Chevonne James
Senior Learning Coordinator