Are all films available to stream on Into Film?
We do not hold the streaming rights for all titles on the Into Film DVD catalogue. However, we will be adding titles to the Into Film+ streaming service on a regular basis. The wider catalogue of films is available to order on DVD to account holders who have an Into Film Club.
How does Into Film choose films to go on its catalogue?
When selecting films to include on our catalogue, we seek out content that will benefit educators in formal and informal learning environments, selecting titles that link to aspects of the curriculum as well as other key areas of a young person's social and cultural development. We also provide guidance around age suitability, potentially distressing content, appropriate contextualisation, and suggested areas for discussion both before and after a screening.
As well as seeking to encourage a love of cinema in all its forms, our curation policy stems from a firm belief in the unique power of film to generate empathy. We choose films that we believe will have the most educational, social, and cultural value for children and young people, bearing in mind that every young person's experiences of cinema and film will vary widely. For many young audiences, Into Film provides them with their first real exposure to film of any sort, whilst others are well on their way to becoming critics and curators of the future.
We therefore select films that will engage the least to the most dedicated young film fan, acknowledging and celebrating popular mainstream contemporary films, but paying equal attention to stories from and about under-represented groups/voices, world and independent cinema, and emerging young filmmaking talent, as well as key areas of global film history.
We particularly focus on child and youth-centred stories, looking for films that present the world from a child's perspective or explore the lives of children and young people, both locally and globally. We seek out titles that tackle universal themes and issues that children and young people can relate to and identify with, giving extra focus to films that engage with issues around young people's wellbeing, and environmental sustainability.
We represent, reflect and celebrate the diversity of our young audience by selecting and highlighting films whose themes, story, world and characters explore the perspectives of under-represented groups and champion new and unique voices. We give extra attention to specialised* content, to broaden a child or young person's understanding of film as a medium, and ensure they are encouraged to discover films that represent diverse cultures, opinions and communities made by filmmakers with their own styles of storytelling and filmmaking.
* British film, archive/classic film, foreign language film with subtitles, documentaries, artist's film/experimenta, and short film