I'm the One - Health and Wellbeing

Thumbnail for Oct/Nov FOTM Winner
Thumbnail for Oct/Nov FOTM Winner



To celebrate the success of one of Wales' young filmmakers, Into Film Cymru has produced a resource based on Into Film Award-winning film I'm the One, by Eden from Powys. Eden's film recently won ‘Best Film 12-15' at the 2020 Into Film Awards.

This short film, shot in one continuous take, takes us on a journey around a small village square, delving into the inner lives of a wide range of local people.

Covering key themes such as mental health, anti-bullying, prejudice and acceptance, this resource has been developed in partnership between Into Film Cymru, Kidscape and Eden herself. With opportunities to explore and respond to these themes and tailored to support key learning objectives linked to the 'What Matters' statements in the Health and Well-Being Expressive Arts Areas of Learning and Experience.

Thank you to Kidscape, Eden and the education practitioners across Wales who have helped us develop a resource that aims to support students to develop resilience and empathy and helps them to have pride in their differences and who they are.

I ddathlu llwyddiant un o gynhyrchwyr ffilm ifanc Cymru, mae Into Film Cymru wedi creu adnodd arbennig i gyd-fynd a'r ffilm fer a ennillodd wobr ‘Ffilm Orau' Gwobrau Into Film 2020,  "I'm the One" gan Eden o Bowys.

Cafodd y ffilm fer gelfydd yma ei saethu mewn un siot parhaus ac mae'n mynd â'r gynulleidfa ar daith o amgylch pentref, gan ddysgu am deimladau a meddyliau pobl lleol. 

Datblygwyd yr adnodd yma mewn partneriaeth rhwng Into Film Cymru, Kidscape ac Eden er mwyn rhoi'r cyfle i archwilio rhai o brif themau'r ffilm, sef,  iechyd meddwl, gwrth-fwlio, rhagfarn a derbyn. Darperir cyfle i drafod ac ymateb yn unigol a mewn grwp, ac mae'r gweithgareddau wedi'u teilwra i ymateb i ofynion dysgu a chyd-fynd a'r Datganiadau o'r Hyn Sy'n Bwysig yn y Meysydd Dysgu Iechyd a Lles a Chelfyddydau Mynegiannol.

Diolch i Eden, Kidscape ac yr athrawon ac ymgynghorwyr addysg sydd wedi ein helpu i greu adnodd sy'n anelu at gefnogi pobl ifanc i ddatblygu empathi, i deimlo'n hyderus ac i fod yn falch o'u hunain.

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"Our SATs results this year were great, both progress and attainment in reading and writing have improved compared with last year, which we feel has been largely as a result of integrating the Into Film strategies."