Me and My World / Fi a Fy Myd

Introducing film across the curriculum – learning through and with film /
Introducing film across the curriculum – learning through and with film /




Medium (5-11 activities)



Understanding, respecting and appreciating yourself and each other is a key learning objective of the Health and Wellbeing Area of Learning and Experience of Curriculum for Wales 2022. This resource, for use with young people aged 7 to 12, has been tailored to help students develop key skills through exploring a range of issues that teachers in Wales have identified as being essential for their pupils to learn about. By using short films as the stimulus, students will respond to key themes around friendship, overcoming adversity, empathy, building resilience and self-belief. In addition to this, the resource provides opportunity to enhance film literacy skills and deliver aspects of the 'What Matters' statements within the Expressive Arts Area of Learning and Experience by supporting students to 'explain ideas and concepts' and 'express ideas and emotions' through different media.

The Teacher Notes document highlights further links to curriculum objectives; including the four purposes, language, literacy and communication and humanities, and provides an overview of each film and how you can use these films to introduce or enhance your learning through and with film provision.

You will find the Vimeo links and password to both films within the Teacher Notes below. You will need to log in or create a free Into Film Account to access these.

Please note: Extra consideration should be given to some of the sensitive issues and content within both films, with educators considering any relevant linked issues faced by students within or outside of the classroom before using the films. An additional slide could be added to complement the school's safeguarding policy, it could provide extra support and guidance to pupils to ensure they know who to speak to or where to go if they required further support and advice on any of the themes highlighted. Concerns about any young person's wellbeing should always be managed in line with your school or organisation's safeguarding policy.

Mae'r maes dysgu a phrofiad Iechyd a Lles yn tynnu sylw at bwysigrwydd deall a pharchu dy hun ag eraill ac felly mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhoi'r cyfle i fyfyrwyr rhwng 7 a 12 mlwydd oed i ddatblygu sgiliau allweddol thra'n dysgu ac archwilio phynciau pwysig. Bydd y ddwy ffilm fer yma'n rhoi'r cyfle i athrawon drafod themau amrywiol, gan gynnwys cyfeillgarwch, goresgyrn problemau, empathi ac hunan-hyder. Ar ben hyn, mae'n rhoi'r cyfle i fireinio sgiliau llythrennedd ffilm a datblygu sgiliau sy'n gysylltiedig a rhai o'r datganiadau 'Yr Hyn sy'n Bwysig' o fewn y Celfyddydau Mynegiannol, gan gynnwys 'egluro syniadau a chysyniadau' a 'mynegi syniadau ac emosiwn' drwy ddefnyddio cyfryngau gwahanol.

Darperir amlinelliad o'r gweithgareddau, gwybodaeth bellach am y cysylltiadau a'r cwricwlwm a gwybodaeth am y ffilmiau yn y ddogfen Teachers Notes (Saesneg yn unig ond darperir copi o phob adnodd a phwerbwynt yn Gymraeg isod).

Noder: Dylid rhoi ystyriaeth ychwanegol i rai o'r pynciau a themau sensitif y ffilmiau, gydag addysgwyr yn ystyried unrhyw faterion perthnasol cysylltiedig a wynebir gan ddisgyblion yn yr ystafell ddosbarth neu'r tu allan iddo cyn defnyddio'r ffilmiau. Gellir ychwanegu sleid ychwanegol i ategu polisi diogelu'r ysgol, gallai ddarparu cymorth a chanllawiau ychwanegol i'r disgyblion er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn gwybod â phwy y dylen nhw siarad neu ble i fynd os oes angen cymorth a chyngor pellach arnyn nhw am unrhyw rai o'r themâu a drafodir. Dylid rheoli pryderon am lesiant unrhyw berson ifanc yn unol â pholisi diogelu eich ysgol neu eich sefydliad bob amser.

Gellir dod o hyd i'r dolenni Vimeo a chyfrineiriau ar gyfer y ffilmiau ar y ddogfen Nodiadau Athrawon isod. Bydd angen cyfrif Into Film arnoch, os nad oes gyda chi gyfrif eisoes, ewch i ‘Create Account' uchod.

This resource includes

This Resource Supports

  • Film Studies
  • Welsh
  • Media Studies
  • Music
  • Performing Arts
  • PSHE Education

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Updating our resources

We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.

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What our educators say

"All of the activities were enjoyed and engaged the children. As a teacher the resources and activities were easy to use and covered a lot of skills. It is a valuable and engaging way to teach and learn literacy. "