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We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.
Short (1-4 activities)
This is a four lesson geography resource for ages 11-16 that uses short clips from the award-winning documentary Chasing Ice to explore climate change, with a particular focus on glaciers and glacial retreat.
Lesson One - What is the Debate Around Climate Change?
Focuses on the debate around climate change, considering what students already know, what they still need to find out, and why there is such debate over what might happen in the future.
Learning Objective:
Clip(s) to Use - Clip 1: Introduction to the Extreme Ice Survey Team and the Media Debate on the Changing Climate
Lesson Two - What Do Glaciers Tell Us About Climate Change?
Explores how glaciers can be used to reconstruct past climate and how climate has changed naturally in the past.
Learning Objectives:
Clip(s) to Use - Clip 1: Introduction to the Extreme Ice Survey Team and the Media Debate on the Changing Climate
Lesson Three - What is Happening to our Glaciers?
Looks specifically at how glaciers and ice sheets around the world are changing.
Learning Objectives:
Clip(s) to Use - Clip 3: Memory of the Landscape
Lesson Four - What Have We Learnt from Chasing Ice?
Drawing together knowledge from previous lessons, students will now reflect on what they've learnt and what the future might hold for our glaciers.
Learning Objectives:
Clip(s) to Use - Clip 5: The Deep Connection