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Medium (5-11 activities)
England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales
Shakespeare Week
15 March - 21 March
This resource comprises an extensive PowerPoint presentation and accompanying teachers' notes, and features five activities themed around the film, each easily completed in 45 minutes to an hour. These sessions will direct young people to analyse clips from the film (embedded within the resource), and explore the characters, themes and relationships within the story, as well as the sound, language and filmmaking techniques used to convey them. Students will be encouraged to respond to the text both critically and imaginatively, exploring Shakespeare's different methods of expressing meaning and achieving effects, as well as considering the social, cultural and historical contexts of Macbeth.
Mae'r adnodd yma'n cynnwys cyflwyniad Powerpoint gyda nodiadau i athrawon i gyd-fynd gyda'r gwaith, mae'n cynnwys pump gweithgaredd sy'n gysylltiedig gyda'r ffilm, sy'n gallu cael ei gwblhau mewn 45 munud i awr. Mae'r sesiynau yma'n arwain y bobl ifanc i ddadnsodi clipiau o'r ffilm (sydd wedi atodi yn yr adnodd) ac yn archwilio cymeriadau, themâu a pherthnas o fewn y stori, yn ogystal â'r sain, iaith a thechnegau gwneud ffilm a ddefnyddir i'w cyfleu. Mi fydd y myfyrwyr yn cael eu hannog i ymateb i'r testun yn feirniadol ac yn ddychmygol, gan archwilio gwahanol ddulliau Shakespeare o fynegi ystyr a chyflawni effeithiau, gan ystyried y cyd-destynau cymdeithasol, diwylliannol ac hanesyddol yn oes Macbeth. Mae'r adnodd yma'n cefnogi Fframwaith Llythrennedd a Rhifedd Cenedlaethol Cymru.
Mae'r adnodd hwn ar gael i gefnogi cynhyrchiad Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru o Macbeth, i'w gynnal ar 14 Chwefror. Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i
We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.