Book Reviews and Trailers on Film

This resource is designed to support young people aged 7 and over to create
This resource is designed to support young people aged 7 and over to create




Short (1-4 activities)


England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales

Related calendar events

World Book Day
2 March

This resource was produced in partnership with Scottish Book Trust and has been adapted from Your Reading Journey Through Film to support home learning. It will provide the guidance to allow young people aged 7 and over to create filmed responses to books including book reviews and trailers. The skills developed will help your young people to express themselves effectively on camera and can be used to demonstrate their learning across the curriculum areas and to offer an alternative method of presenting their learning beyond the written form.

The resource includes two key activities film your book review or otherwise known as Vlog Review and guidance to create your very own Book Trailer. The resource is comprised of a PowerPoint presentation and a downloadable pack of activity sheets to print at home and use with your learners.

This resource includes

This Resource Supports

  • English
  • Literacy

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Updating our resources

We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.

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What our educators say

"All of the activities were enjoyed and engaged the children. As a teacher the resources and activities were easy to use and covered a lot of skills. It is a valuable and engaging way to teach and learn literacy. "