Future Storytellers

Still from one of the Future Storytellers project films
Still from one of the Future Storytellers project films


All ages


Medium (5-11 activities)


England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales

About Future Storytellers:

Future Storytellers is a filmmaking project run by Into Film for young people in primary school. Some of the young people involved in making these animations have symptoms of or a diagnosis of ADHD. The project's central theme is about exploring what it's like to have ADHD. But as the project was run in a mainstream setting with mixed ability groups, care was taken to do so in a way that did not single out or label any young person, and that was relevant to everyone in the group. Therefore, the approach taken was to explore the major features of ADHD - impulsive behaviour, hyperactivity and inattention - from the universal angle that everyone has a different way of interacting and understanding the world about them and that everyone has times when they are more or less able to concentrate. The aim is that these films and the supporting questions can be used:

• as a starting point with a mixed ability group of young people to think about how they behave and react in different environments;

• to give young people a language and a way to express how they behave and react in different environments;

• to provide a stimulus for young people to come up with strategies to help with concentration, relaxation, learning and ‘being the best they can be'. 

 Future Storytellers was kindly supported by a private donor.

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  • PSHE Education
  • Personal

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Updating our resources

We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.

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What our educators say

"As an alternative provision for learners who are not in mainstream school we use your resources in a slightly different way as they generally find it hard to watch a full length film. They are, however fantastic. "