Into Film recommends

Mindfulness Through Film

When Marnie Was There
When Marnie Was There


All ages


Medium (5-11 activities)


England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales

This resource has been produced in partnership with Mental Health Foundation.

Half of all mental health problems start before the age of 14, and so addressing mental health concerns has never been more at the forefront of the minds of the government, the media and the education sector. Teachers now play a vital role in strengthening the mental health of their young people, but are often not sure how to incorporate this topic into an already jam-packed teaching timetable.

Mindfulness Through Film guides teachers and their learners through a series of popular mindfulness activities, such as raising sensory awareness, mindful colouring and walking. It has at its heart a collection of clips from feature and youth-made films, and culminates in a simple filmmaking task. 

The resource has been developed for young people approaching changing or challenging circumstances, such as exams and transitioning from primary to secondary school, but is suitable across Key Stages 2 and 3, and Second, Third and Fourth Level. The activities link to PSHE curricula and provide an introduction to mindfulness. 

Chaidh an goireas seo a chuir air dòigh leis am Mental Health Foundation agus tha e a' tighinn gu bhith aig an aon àm ri Seachdain nan Slàinteas Inntinn (14-18 den Chèitean 2018). 

Bidh leth de duilgheadasan a thaobh slàinteas inntinn a' toiseachadh ro aois 14, agus mar sin, chan eil e rìamh air a bhith cho cudromach dhan riaghaltas, na meadhanan no an roinn foghlam, na draghan seo a reiteachadh. Bidh tidsearan a-nis a' cluich pàirt mòr ann a bhith ag àrdachadh slàinteas inntinn na sgoilearan aca, ach, chan eil iad an còmhnaidh cinnteach mar am bu chòir dhaibh an cuspair seo a theagaisg ann an clàr-ama a tha gu math trang mu thrath.

Bidh Mothachas tro Film a' stiùireadh tidsearan agus na luchd-ionnsachaidh tro sreath de gnìomhan mothachail, cur dath ‘s cuairtean mothachail. Aig cridhe an sreath de gnìomhan seo, tha cruinneachadh de cliopan bho filmichean cumanta agus feadhainn a rinn òigridh, ‘s iad a co-dhùnadh ann an gnìomh dèanamh film.

Chaidh an goireas seo a chruthachadh dha òigridh aig a bheil tachartasan dùbhlanachd air an beulaibh leithid deuchainnean no a' gluasad bhon bùn-sgoil dhan àrd-sgoil, ach tha e freagarrachd dha sgoileran aig an 2na, 3mh ‘s an 4mh Ìre, a bharrachd air KS2 agus KS3. ‘S e seo na toiseachd-tòiseachaidh à Mothachas ‘s tha ceangailean ann dhan curraicealam PSHE.


Cynhyrchwyd yr adnodd yma mewn partneriaeth gyda Mental Health Foundation. 

Mae hanner yr holl broblemau iechyd meddwl yn dechrau cyn 14 oed, felly mae mynd at wraidd y broblem yn flaenllaw iawn ym meddylia'r llywdraethau, cyfryngau a'r sector addysg. Mae athrawon bellach yn chwarae rol hanfodol i gryfhau iechyd meddwl disgyblion, ond yn aml nid ydynt yn siwr sut i fynd ati i gyfwlyno'r pwnc mewn amserlen dosbarth sydd eisioes yn orlawn. 

Mae Meddwlgarwch Drwy Ffilm yn adnodd i arwain athrawon a'u disgyblion drwy gyfres o weithgareddau megis codi ymwybyddiaeth synhwraidd, lliwio a cherdded yn feddylgar. Mae'r adnodd yn cynnwys caslgiad o glipiau o ffilmiau a ffilmiau byr gan bobl ifanc, ac mae'n gorffen gyda thasg o greu ffilm syml.

Mae'r adnodd hefyd wedi'i ddatblygu ar gyfer bobl ifanc sy'n delio gyda amgylchiadau newidiol neu heriol, megis arholiadau a phontio o ysgol gynradd i'r uwchradd, ond mae'n addas i'w ddefnyddio CA2 a CA3. Mae'r gweithgareddau'n cysylltu gyda gwaith ABCh ac yn rhoi cyflwyniad i feddwlgawrch. 

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  • PSHE Education
  • Personal

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What our educators say

"All of the activities were enjoyed and engaged the children. As a teacher the resources and activities were easy to use and covered a lot of skills. It is a valuable and engaging way to teach and learn literacy. "