Production 5: Safety and Set Etiquette

A mini filmmaking guide with tips of staying safe on set
A mini filmmaking guide with tips of staying safe on set




Short (1-4 activities)


England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales

This resource provides young people with a useful checklist for assessing risks associated with shooting a short film to ensure everyone is safe on set. It also provides the rules of set etiquette to ensure production is professional and efficient. The guide is recommended for young people aged 13 to 19 for them to engage with filmmaking directly and without the support of an adult. This resource forms part of a collection of mini filmmaking guides for young people covering the key aspects of the five stages of film production.

Mae'r adnodd yma darparu restrau gwirio ar gyfer asesiadau risg sy'n gysyllteidig â chreu ffilm i wneud yn siwr fod pawb yn ddiogel. Mae hefyd yn darparu arferion da i sicrhau fod y cynhyrchiad yn broffesiynol ac effeithiol. Awgrymir defnyddio'r canllaw yma gyda phobl ifanc rhwng 13 a 19 oed i'w hymgysylltu â chreu ffilmiau uniongyrchol a heb gymorth oedolyn.  Mae'r adnodd hwn yn rhan o gasgliad o ganllawiau ffilmio Cymraeg ar gyfer pobl ifanc, sy'n edrych ar bump cam allweddol o gynhyrchu ffilm, sy'n plethu elfennau o'r Fframwaith Cymhwysedd Digidol a'r Fframwaith Llythrennedd a Rhifedd Cenedlaethol Cymru.

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  • Welsh
  • Media Studies
  • Moving Image Arts

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We have developed a large catalogue of educational resources since launching in 2013, and some references and terminology will inevitably have dated as society and language evolves. We are aware of this and will be updating resources when our production schedule allows.

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"The wide range of resources on the Into Film website are so easy to access and adapt for a range of curriculum areas and age ranges. They are all carefully planned and designed with the pressures of teaching in mind."