I, Robot(2004)
Nerve-jangling futuristic sci-fi thriller about a detective who suspects a robot has committed murder.
Age group11–16 years
Duration110 mins
I, Robot is very different than the book. If you go to this movie expecting a paper-to-screen transformation, you'll be disappointed in that aspect. However, that is probably the only aspect of this movie you could be disappointed by. Will Smith is a superb actor and the director creates a realistic future world. The plot develops through the movie and builds up to a satisfying finale. If you're in the mood for a PG-13, Sci-fi, action movie, this one of the best. Parents should know that I, Robot has a lot of action violence, mostly involving robots v.s. humans where robots are torn to bits and humans are thrown about, however it is almost all bloodless though.
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A taut sci-fi thriller exploring the popular debate about whether Artificial Intelligence could ever match humankind's capacity to think and feel.
Futuristic vision of a world which has been hit by a terrible epidemic, leaving one scientist wondering if he is the last man left on Earth.
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A fairy tale about a robot child that has the capability to feel love who is abandoned by his new parents and desperately seeks to find his way home.
This visually spectacular German sci-fi classic (made, incredibly, in 1927) sees the rich live in skyscrapers and the poor toil underground.