Walt Disney's Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs was produced in 1937. Disney has produced many similar films including: Sleeping Beauty (1959), Cinderella (1950) and Tangled (2011).
Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs is a brilliant film. I would really recommend this film to anyone who likes films by Disney.
This film is about Snow White and her relationship with her family and the animals she meets in the woods. It is also about the Dwarfs and their relationship with each other. In addition, this film is about love and jealousy. Love is a central theme because Snow White loves the Prince and the Dwarfs look up to Snow White. However, the film is about the Step-Mother's jealousy of Snow White's beauty. You learn that you should not be jealous of others, but be kind instead.
This film is set in a castle (to give a setting to the Step-Mother's unhealthy habit), a woods (home to the animals), a mine (the Dwarfs' work) and the Dwarfs' house. The story is set in these places to emphasise and help you to understand the action on screen.
Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs does have some music, singing, from the Dwarfs when they were mining. Their song radiates positivity as they mine and return home from their busy day at work.If you were to listen to their song, without pictures, you would be able to tell where they were heading.
Certain colours are associated with certain characters. Each Dwarf has their own colours and Snow White does too. This is one way that helps you tell the Dwarfs apart. This makes the colours very important to the film and the characters.
The story would be different if there was more or less Dwarfs. This is because their relationship would change. The Dwarfs would act differently towards each other if someone had a different personality.
The story is told through Snow White's eyes as the camera follows the events that impact her. When the Dwarfs were mining, you would see their work through their perspective.
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