A chameleon with an identity crisis resolves to rescue a town plagued by bandits, Western-inspired animation..
Duration107 mins
Review by
This film was amazing! The film is about a self-centred lizard, named Rango. He loves to act and can do all sorts of impressions. His owners were in a car crash and his tank got flung out of the truck. Rango lands by an armadillo who tells him he needs help and that he needs to get to the other side. Rango was very confused so just walks off, into the desert. After a while of walking a massive eagle starts to follow him, so to save himself Rango climbs into a bottle. All Rango craves is some water. Later Rango comes across a nice little town named Dirt. Rango meets a young girl who goes by the name Beans (Beans is trying to save her fathers land). As Rango is an amazing actor he pretends that he has killed many people with one bullet. The towns people are very impressed with Rango's tales and make him sheriff. The town has a colossal water problem and ask Rango to help. Will Rango full fill his destiny?
My favourite character was the little girl that adored Rango, she was so sweet and cute. This film was super weird but I would definitely recommend it to everyone. This film is officially in my top 10!