Animated Disney fable about a young pig-keeper who embarks on a perilous mission to stop an evil king from using his cauldron to take...
Duration77 mins
Review by
This film was about a ,man called Taran who learns of the evil Horned King's plan to locate the magical Black Cauldron that can help him create an army of undead warriors. Taran is worried that the Horned King would try and steal his pet piggy to help him find the cauldron as it had powers that could see things far away. Taran tried to keep his pet safe but the Horned King was able to steal it. Taran had to find it and save it from the evil clutches of the Honrned King before he could find the cauldron and kill his pet. Taran was too late to save his pig and was thrown in the dungeons, where he met Princess Eilonwy and they decide to escape.
I found the film upsetting in parts.