There Will Be Blood(2007)
Daniel Day Lewis gives an unforgettable performance as an increasingly alienated oil prospector in the America of the 1900s.
Age group14+ years
Duration159 mins
Plot: 4.5/5.
Acting: 5/5.
Screenplay/Directing/Cinematography: 4.5/5.
Script/Character Development: 4.5/5.
Drama: 5/5.
Adaptation: 4/5.
Historical Elements: 4/5.
Atmosphere: 4.5/5.
Overall: 36/40 = 4.5/5 = 4/5.
Paul Thomas Anderson's 'There Will Be Blood' is an intriguing epic that highlights both the importance of wealth and the severity of moral corruptness in pursuing the American dream, as well as featuring an excellently constructed cinematography, art direction, and fantastically emotional and sinister performances from leads Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano.
Print this reviewDaniel Day Lewis made his name starring in this biopic of Christy Brown, an Irish writer who forged an extraordinary career despite his disabilities.