Extraordinary, Oscar-winning fantasy animated film from Japan following the down-the-rabbit-hole adventures of a young girl named Chihiro.
Duration125 mins
Review by
Spirited away is a great movie for anime fans. This movie when I first watched it was particularly interesting as the director of this well-developed film had developed it in such a way that the movie would slowly spirit into you. For my experience this movie is one worth watching as your first movie and is one movie that will just want you to think, "what's going to happen next?"The main scene of this movie is set in Japan in a spirit world or relm if you want and the main places the main character visits is a bathhouse in the spirited relm. There are lots of contrasting colours between red and yellow which in this case red resembles the wealth of the bathhouse. The main character, Chihiro, is replaced with the name zen by the owner of the bathhouse whose name is called Yubaba. Promised that her parents will transform back into humans from pigs Zen works real hard until she finds some what of a soul mate... Haku? Also Zen eventually finds a person who could possibly help her in favour, Zeniba the older sister of Yubaba.