Vibrant sequel, in which Blu, Jewel and their kids leave their blissful life in Rio for an exciting adventure in the Amazon rainforest.
Duration96 mins
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Rio is about that there is a blue bird that didn't know how to fly and then he got in a cage but when he got in a truck the door opend because it was cold but a little girl picked the cage after 4 years the little girl and the blue bird called blu was fully grown up now. one day the girl opend up a library and now its her job then a strange man showed up he didn't want books he wanted he knocked at the door so then he went in the library the girl said which book would you like then he said I don't want a book sorry i want the bird the girl said no way he said please but the girl still disagree he also said we will look after him really really good and the girl finally said... yes so it really took so much time to go then they put them in a huge cage and he saw a beautiful girl blue bird called jewel but she actually slept blue. then they saw a thing that led them out so jewel broke it and escaped.