Fly Away Home(1996)
Much-loved family movie about a 13-year-old girl who deals with the death of her mother by becoming a surrogate parent to some abandoned goose eggs.
Age groupAll ages
Duration102 mins
I thought that this movie was good. Although it had to build up because I didn't really get it at the start but it seemed to get better. The film about a girl that raises geese up and needs to figure a way to train them to fly. Finally they learn and are able to go south for winter. I thought this film was a adventure/family movie and always a happy ending. I think this movie could be a brilliant film for all ages. My favourite character was Ego because he never gave up. I hope you liked my review on Fly Away Home.
Print this reviewWhen plucky young depression-era girl Natty's father is forced to leave her to work on the other side of the country, she is determined to find him.
A touching story backdropped by beautiful Mongolian scenery, as little Nansal befriends a stray dog.
Family adventure from Disney, as three lonely pets overcome all odds to find their way home.
Oscar-nominated nature documentary that follows the paths of migrating birds from all over the globe.