The story of Captain “Sully” Sullenberger, the pilot who landed a plane in the Hudson River after a flock of geese flew into its...
Duration96 mins
Review by
This film was an incredible retelling of a chilling story. Based on the miracle of the Hudson in January 2009. We follow Captain Chelsey Sullenberger (Tom Hanks) coming to terms with the emotion of it whilst he is trailed for putting the 155 people on board’s life at risk. Through the trials and tribulations, we see flashbacks of the scary event before seeing the hearing that chooses whether he can continue his job. This is such a hard-hitting movie that leaves you emotionally wounded. However, it is so interesting to learn about this event that changed what we think of regular pilots. I would definitely recommend this as the casting is excellent the tension made by the shouting of the cabin crew to keep your “Head’s down…Stay down!” is so hard-hitting and incredible. I loved it, but it was a bit scary so I’d recommend it only to those aged 12+. 10/10