Animated adaptation of the classic castaway tale, told from the point of view of the island’s animals who help Crusoe to survive.
Duration90 mins
Review by
Robinson Crusoe is a young man who is involved in a shipwreck and lands on an exquisite island with talking animals. In addition, I think the pirates were from east London because they had a Cockney accent. I believe that the movie took place in the 1500s because in our days we don’t really speak how the people in the movie spoke. Robinson Crusoe was found hung and then was taken by pirates that treated him like he was nothing. Being with pirates and being treated badly because before the shipwreck he was part of a crew.
My favourite scene was when Robinson Crusoe went on the ship with another set of pirates. When he was asked to clean the ship he tried to escape. That scene was very funny because even when he tried to not fight he somehow did. But all of a sudden…
I recommend this film to other members because it’s just like Captain Hook and anyone that likes Captain Hook is sure to like this along with talking, funny animals.