A strange and haunting story set in the outback of Australia about a lost brother and sister who learn survival from an Aborigine boy.
Duration100 mins
Review by
I have only seen half of this film and what I saw of the film I thought it was different and a bit confusing. The plot was a bit challenging and hard to keep up with; I was not sure what was going some of the time. But it was also interesting showing the comparison between life in Britain and the outback’s of Australia. Some of the scenes in the film are grossom and gory scenes such as when the man commits suicide and when the hunters hunt the animal. But some scenes show Australia’s wildlife and land in all of its glory. The film is quite an old film made in 1971 and is directed by Nicholas Roeg and the siblings are played by Jenny Agguter and Luc Roeg, the man who was separated from his tribe was played by David Gulpilil.