Classic '80s teen comedy about two geeky teenagers who manage to create the woman of their dreams with the help of a strange electrical...
Duration94 mins
Review by
Weird science is a hilarious, interesting, romantic and confusing film. It's set and made in 1985. This film is about two young white clever boys, they waned to be famous, loved and cared so they created this beautiful perfect girl to become famous and to stop getting bullied in school, and not only school, at home by Wyatt's brother Chet . The plot got too unbelievable for my taste . For example, the scene where a rocket comes up from the ground through the house just because Wyatt and Gary got bullied in the party to create another Lisa but with bigger breasts, it's just too much to fathom! This film aims to be a blend of 3 genres mixed together ( sci-fi, comedy, teen fantasy ) . I liked Lisa the best because she helped Wyatt Gary to get famous and get them a girlfriend, think Lisa is cared and a braved women that will always be loyal. I am not sure if I should recommend this film because its really weird and the start it is uninspiring.