An ambitious coming-of-age drama, filmed over 12 years, following the journey from childhood into adolescence of a boy from Texas.
Duration159 mins
Review by
The film boyhood is 159 minutes long and it was it was finally released in 2014. The director Richard Linklater did a fantastic job by filming this film over a period of 12 years on boyhood.The film is about a young boy that grows up throughout his childhood life.and has to go through a lot of harsh events.The genre of this film is shadow docu-drama.The acting in the film was so realistic because the actors played roles that had to keep growing and getting old and they had to use the same characters throughout the film.That must have been very hard for the actors because they had to commit to filming a bit every year. I really enjoyed some of the setting where the film was shot,I really liked it when they did a scene out in the open (desert,lakes and forests) The view was fabulous and it looked beautiful.I will give this film 3 stars because i really liked how the film was made. I recommend this film to family viewers.