Benedict Cumberbatch stars as pioneering mathematician and codebreaker Alan Turing, who was highly influential, but persecuted for being...
Duration109 mins
Review by
This film is incredible!!!!I thought that Benedict Cumberbatch played the part of Alan Turing outstandingly well. There is quite a sad storyline behind this film, of which some of is shown near the end of it in the form of a flashback memory of Alan's past. There are some of these repeated throughout the film. It is quite a serious story, but it has some great scenes in it, which are packed full with action! It was phenomenal when the enigma breaking machine, Christopher, was powered on and all the cogs were turning in time with each other. I would certainly recommend this film to all people over the age of 11, who like to watch sad films. It is weird to thing that Alan Turing could still be alive right now, if it wasn’t for rules against homosexuals that were in place in the mid 1900s!