The tiny Clock family live harmoniously with the full size Lenders, but when Ocious Potter wishes to destroy their home, the 'borrowers'...
Duration83 mins
Review by
I love LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOVE this film ! With a unique plot and slightly quirky characters, the 'Borrowers' is a terrific blend of fantasy, comedy and also drama ( which are three of my favourite elements in a movie ) . I tell you what though, you wouldn't accidentally want to call them thieves , would you ?!
My favourite character was probably Harriet E because she was funny and wise when she and her brother Peagreen went out into the world for the first time . My least favourite person was Ocious P Potter as he was uncouth, rude and mean to the 'Borrowers' as well as arrogant to everyone else .
Thank you very much to Mrs Mclardy and Mrs Vickeridge for introducing me to this film (though I had previously read the book) and providing us with a snack and drink ! Five stars from me !